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Childhood Trauma Awareness and Positive Psychology

Hi I'm James, the owner of trauma aware coaching. We support organisations in growing awareness of the limitations caused by childhood trauma and adversity. We also support those with adverse childhoods in taking back the power and learning and development that was cruelly taken from them when it was most needed.

We help those with childhood trauma, and those supporting adults with childhood adversity, understand the most relevant psychology including area's such as hope, character strengths, meaning in life, self-efficacy, change processes, and growth mindset. Trauma in childhood seriously affects the ability to learn, change, and grow. I believe this is something that can be learnt. We teach and facilitate empowering skills that contribute to success for those disadvantaged by adversity. 

Alongside running trauma informed coaching, I've been creating and running related on-line businesses for over a decade. One,, supports over 100,000 visitors a year in choosing their goals carefully and patiently, so that motivation is sustainable and wellbeing isn't disregarded. We've supported universities, colleges, prisons, healthcare centres, charities and more.


For decades I've been writing about and researching psychology, goals and goal setting from many angles. This experience supports and guides what we do at trauma aware coaching because motivation and drive are so often hampered and the very idea of goals can be hard to consider for those with past trauma. We can teach in-depth knowledge of motivation and how and when goals work and don't work in a nuanced trauma-aware way. This makes the inaccessible accessible for many. 


I'm personally passionate about using my awareness and experience of trauma's impact developmentally, to make positive psychological factors more appealing, understandable, and applicable. This provides trauma aware coaching with a uniquely balanced and nuanced approach to recovery that emphasises the obstacles and opportunities in equal measure.

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